Hilarious Airport Pictures We’re Lucky Someone Photographed

Published on 01/10/2018

Hilarious Airport Photos

With millions of people passing through airports on a daily basis, we can’t imagine that everything always runs as smoothly as it should. Sometimes, traveling is just so overwhelming and stressful, we’re all in need of a good laugh. If you look around at the airport, you’re sure to find everything from the bizarre to unfortunate. Don’t worry we have gathered all of the best airport photos in one place. Also, can you imagine what it’s like to work at the airport? Wow, those employees must go home with some wild stories for their families. Honestly, we would like to see what it’s like, especially working security, just one day. It must be intense but also a strange experience. I mean come on, people really let their true colors show when traveling, usually because they may be stressed or tired. Anyway, these photos may give you just a little taste of what the airport employees see daily on the job.

Listen, we all have seen some strange stuff happen at airports. Whether it was people falling asleep in the most interesting positions (which can you blame them…traveling is exhausting!) to kids doing hilarious things. If you travel with children, something hysterical is bound to happen, as you’ll see in these photos. So much happens in the airport beyond the ticket counter and in particular, as people go through security. Nowadays with everyone having smartphones, cameras are never far. Lucky for us, we get to experience all of the hilarious shenanigans even if we did not witness them in person! That’s definitely one bonus of the new modern, technology era.

Some of these photos are unbelievable. However, we promise you that they are not photo-shopped. Seriously, these photos will make you do a double take. Also, you may be glad to be viewing them from your device instead of in person. We have everything from silly outfits or kid photos to not so pleasant situations with planes. We don’t want to give too much away just yet, but we can guarantee these airport photos are like nothing you’ve ever seen before. So, interpret that however you wish.

Here are only some pictures of the best moments caught on camera at airports around the globe.

Hugs Not Drugs

Can you imagine arriving at the airport to this sign? I think I’d turn around and get myself a taxi home. No, but in all seriousness, this lady deserves all the credit she could get for finding a creative way to welcome her loved ones back home. That is of course if she’s joking.

Hugs Not Drugs

Commando Style

Well, that’s what happens when you leave the kids with dad. Although they’re probably kidding, you shouldn’t rule out the possibility. Either way, it looks like they’re really excited to see their mother finally coming back home. Those drawings are pretty darn impressive, we must say!

Commando Style

Home Alone

8-year-old Kevin McCallister grew up! And we can understand why his parents didn’t come home. Nah, I’m just kidding. Life is full of responsibilities, and one of them is taking care of your kids. However, there really should be a time when they can start taking care of their own breakfast.

Home Alone

Home Alone


This one is especially for the FRIENDS fans out there. If you’re not familiar with this name then you can just take a skip on this page. If you do know about this story then you must be a fan, just like the person he’s picking up. My my, how we really love Phoebe and the gang in FRIENDS.


Welcome Home

How do you soften the blow on this one? I know, let’s make a beautifully crafted sign and throw in the bad news in the middle. This person made a sign to show how much they missed their partner, but the dogs wanted to do something that would last a whole lot longer. Each to their own, I guess.

Welcome Home

Welcome Home To Embarrassment

Dad thought it would be an excellent idea to surprise Rebecca at the airport. Two things he achieved that day. First, he truly surprised his little girl after her 10-day trip in Florida. The second, it was the first time he embarrassed her in front of so many people; it was usually just her friends.

Welcome Home To Embarrassment

Oh Kids

If you’re a grammar cop then you should really get your booking pad out because there is a glaring mistake here. But knowing these two boys, they probably added that extra ‘we’ on purpose, because when you read the two of them one after the other… yeah, I don’t need to explain it, you get it.

Oh Kids

Sugar Daddy

This daughter made an absolutely legendary sign! Her dad was probably shocked when he saw her holding that poster. Then he saw his face stuck to the front of it and he relaxed. In fact it looks like he had a good laugh – he loved his daughter’s creativity. We do too.

Sugar Daddy

Facts Are Facts

It’s kind of a cringy moment, but it is true at the end of the day. I’m sure they had a really cool and awkward hug when he came out with his luggage. Nah, everyone probably had a good laugh about it… and they probably didn’t speak a word of it to his sister.

Facts Are Facts


The important bit here is that she is his daughter! Whew, now that we know that we can truly appreciate the creativity of this mom. We all know the song’s lyrics, so this is a smart twist to match the situation. Look how cute that little girl looks getting ready to meet her dad for the first time.


Lay Over?

Most of us have had a layover at some airport we didn’t actually want to stop at. But how many of us have found a comfy spot to steal a nap? Well, this woman took layover to a new level with her “lay under” idea. I just wonder how she got in there.


Lay Over?

Look Again

Yes, we all needed to take a double-take on this one. That is a neck cushion for the airplane, not that woman’s beige butt peeking through her dress. Once you notice that it’s just a pillow. it does make you wonder why they haven’t invented a butt-pillow for the plane. I would definitely buy one.

Butt Rest

Look Again

Home Alone

8-year-old Kevin McCallister grew up! And we can understand why his parents didn’t come home. Nah, I’m just kidding. Life is full of responsibilities, and one of them is taking care of your kids. However, there really should be a time when they can start taking care of their own breakfast.

Home Alone

Home Alone

Bikini Rabbis

After they had spent a wonderful year away from their parents at the most prominent rabbinical institute in England, they were rather surprised to return back home to find that things had become radically relaxed!

Bikini Rabbis

Bikini Rabbis

You Can Never Be Too Safe

“Do you have any sharp objects?” No. “Anything that can be used as a weapon?” No. “Sir, why didn’t you tell us about this revolver?!” Woody would never use his gun in any scenario, but who knows about the kid who wanted to bring him onto the plane?

You Can Never Be Too Safe

You Can Never Be Too Safe

Please Follow Directions

Now we know that different countries have different cultures, but we’re pretty sure that there are some things that we all do in the same way.

Please Follow Directions

Please Follow Directions

How Many People Can You Spot In The Picture?

My first thought is, “I hope all of these people know each other.” My second thought though, is “How is that stick sleeping in an upright position?”

How Many People Can You Spot In The Picture

How Many People Can You Spot In The Picture?

Batman Is In The Building

We know that Batman can’t fly, but what happens when he gets a bat-signal all the way in another state? That’s where United Airlines steps into the picture.

Batman Is In The Building

Batman Is In The Building

Don’t Be Afraid

“‘There’s nothing to be afraid of’, they said. ‘Put your head between your legs’, they said.'” Perhaps he should wait until he gets onto the plane before he starts his fear-crunching routine.

Just A Nap

Don’t Be Afraid

You Could Have Taken Your Belt Off

There comes a point when the metal detectors have beeped so many times that you don’t know what to do. You’ve removed every single item of clothing that could possibly be causing the ruckus so you need to take the next step… right into the x-ray machine.

You Could Have Taken Your Belt Off

You Could Have Taken Your Belt Off

A Civilized Airport

Out all of the many airports across the world, it is important to know that this airport is a civilized one. Other airports are uncivilized and barbaric, thank goodness for this one.

A Civilized Airport

A Civilized Airport

Grandma Is Back

What’s the best way to let grandma know that you missed her? I reckon it’s probably by embarrassing her the second she gets past security and sees her grandchildren. Although we’re pretty sure that granny was able to enjoy her grandchildren’s sense of humor.

Grandma Is Back

Grandma Is Back

Heavy Luggage

When you just don’t have any more room in your luggage, you’ve got to separate some things. I can either take out my jacket and carry it onto the plane with me… oooor, I can put my rolling pin under the airplane. That’s it!

Heavy Luggage

Heavy Luggage

Always Hopeful

Airports see thousands of people on a daily basis so who knows who’s going to step off that next flight? It could be your hero, and he might just be in need of a ride.

Always Hopeful

Always Hopeful

Unleash The Kids

Airports are already stressful enough – security checks, luggage collection, flight delays, and of course, kids getting lost. Well, leashes have proven effective for dogs, so why not adopt this practice for your little critters? Smart? You decide.

Unleash The Kids

Unleash The Kids

“Is This Our Luggage?”

Simple advice for traveling is to mark your luggage with something that will stand out so you can identify it as soon as it comes out on the conveyor belt. One really should pay attention to what they’re loading under the plane first, though.

Is This Our Luggage

“Is This Our Luggage?”

Shining Armor

No, this is not some sort of invasion. These are attendees of the famous Comic Convention in San Diego. You’ve got to look your best, even if that means getting a quick shoe polish before you head out. Do you think they only polished their shoes?

Rusty Shoe Shine

Shining Armor

Flying High Falcons

I know people who always demand a window seat, some who demand special meals, and then there are those who book seats for their 80 falcons. A Saudi prince not only got his falcons onto the plane, but he also got them passports which carry a 3-year validity too.

Fliying High

Flying High Falcons

Airport Kiss Booth

I hate saying goodbye at the airport. It can take me half an hour unless I was in Aalborg in Denmark. Not only can the Danes boast being one of the happiest nations on earth, but they can also brag about being geniuses for creating this “kiss stop”. 3 minutes is all it takes, and you even have a designated area to get your smooching done.

Pure Genius

Airport Kiss Booth

Back From The Dark Side

Does Darth Vader fly United? the truth is, we don’t know. What we do know is that his fans do. When this Darth Vader came out to see surprise his friends, he wasn’t aware that they were all in on the dress up game. Playing the “Imperial March” on their phones, they greeted their leader as onlookers enjoyed the spectacle.

Back From The Dark Side

Back From The Dark Side

How To Embarrass Your Mom

It’s bad enough getting off the red-eye and suffering the onset of jet-lag. But it gets worse when your husband and kids decide to prank you and make you a sign reading “Welcome home from prison, mom”. Well, mom wasn’t having it. She walked away from them pretending not to know them. Who was the prank really on?

How To Embarrass Your Mom

How To Embarrass Your Mom

Patience Is A Virtue

Slow driver? Slow walker? What about a slow stander? On a conveyor belt that actually makes a difference. But this photograph can only make you smile. This woman is obviously not aware of the people piling up behind her, but they don’t seem bothered either. Smiles all round.

Patience Is A Virtue

Patience Is A Virtue

You Can Never Be Too Careful

No-one really looks forward to being patted down by security at the airport. But what if there was no reason to have to pat you down? I know, genius! This guy decided that he would prevent any need for a strip search and just, well, stripped. We’re pretty sure security let him through without hindrance, but not without a giggle or two.

You Can Never Be Too Careful

You Can Never Be Too Careful

Tight Security

While some airports deploy sniffer dogs around the terminals, armed guards, security cameras and undercover agents, the Italians employ Solitaire experts. Although we still don’t know what secret skills these specialists maintain, we’re pretty sure that it’s something really advanced, but we won’t spread the rumor. Deal?

Please Wait Until We Call You

Tight Security

Extra Weight

“Unfortunately, sir, your daughter doesn’t count as hand luggage.” Traveling with children can’t be easy, but I guess it could always be worse. Maybe luggage companies should invent a wheelie-luggage that carries children… like a stroller?

Extra Weight

Extra Weight

How You Feel When There’s No WiFi

It is one of the most frustrating things when you walk into an airport and you can’t connect to the WiFi. It feels like you’ve jumped about half a century into the past. Well, these pictures from Seattle are real. These young peeps have taken to the good ol’ typewriter. Click clack click click clack! Yeah, no-one wants to hear that next to them on an airplane.

How You Feel When Theres No WiFi

How You Feel When There’s No WiFi

A High Way

If you’ve ever flown to Gibraltar, then this picture won’t be surprising. The airport’s runway smoothly slices through a main road. We don’t advise trying to jump an amber light when you’re visiting this place.

Now Thats What I Call A High Way

A High Way

“This Too?”

When the airport officials tell you to take everything out of your pockets and put everything on the tray, they don’t really mean everything! This woman probably just put her baby on the tray because she needed to untie her shoes… we really hope so.

Place All Your Belongings On The Tray

“This Too?”

Getting Ahead

Looking for your name as you step out into the reception area after a long flight is not always the easiest task. But who said there isn’t an easier way? Mokie had some creative friends who printed out a larger-than-large cut-out of his face. Did they choose a flattering picture of him? That’s not important.

Getting Head

Getting Ahead

Spark Of Genius

They had two options. One was to pay a quarter and use the pay phone, or they could pay a quarter and charge up their own phone. But then a spark of genius! Why not plug their own phone into the outlet that the machine was using? Free charging – hacked!


Spark Of Genius

Best Way To Pick Up A Girl

There are many ways to pick up girls. But how do you pick up a girl at the airport? What if she happens to be your own wife? This guy knows. Dress up as a limo driver, check. Slick sunglasses, check. Make a sign for your wife that will embarrass her in front of her co-workers after a business trip, check. Check and mate!

Best Way To Pick Up A Girl

Best Way To Pick Up A Girl

Budget Lounge

So, not everyone can make it into the business lounge, but I’ve got news for you, even fewer people can make it into the “cardboard box lounge” – a single person on his own hardly can. These students were grounded at the airport during typhoon season in Sri Lanka and decided to set up camp.

Budget Lounge

Budget Lounge

Pet Relief

There are different kinds of special rooms at airports. There are VIP rooms, prayer rooms, diaper-changing rooms, and smoking rooms. And then there are pet relief rooms. This genius idea at San Diego Airport allows animals to relieve themselves in a comfortable environment, I mean look at that fire hydrant!

Pet Relief

Pet Relief

Plane Zombie?

How freaked out would you be if you had just taken off and looked out the mirror to see that? No, not the shadow of your own airplane. I’m talking about the carcass of another airplane, just meters from the end of the runway. Dagestan Airlines Flight 372 suffered a devastating crash outside of the Moscow airport. The skeleton of the plane still remains.

Food For Thought

Plane Zombie?

Never Lose Your Luggage

We have to give this guy credit for thinking up this smart idea. There is one piece of advice we could have given him though – he should have smiled. But hey, it’s not for us to judge. We’ll only be jealous when he easily gets his luggage while we’re picking up and putting down everybody else’s in the endless search for our own.

Never Lose Your Luggage

Never Lose Your Luggage

“That’s Nun Of Your Business”

“What do you have under your robe?” asked the TSA officer. “That’s nun of your business!” answered the nun. And they laughed and laughed and laughed. At least that’s how I imagined it. It was probably just standard procedure questions.

Thats Nun Of Your Business

That’s Nun Of Your Business

Max Speed 80 Mph

These two brainiacs were spotted cruising down the highway with their luggage trailing behind them. Late for their flight from LAX, and wanting to save a buck on taxi fare, they decided to add a couple of wheels to their motorcycle. Whether the luggage wheels could withstand that speed and distance is a mystery that only this pair can answer.

Luggage Max Speed 80 Miles

Max Speed 80 Mph

Getting Some Air

When Rick told Andy that he wanted to get some air, that was definitely not what he had in mind. We must commend these two young men on their impressive arm strength. And while we’re at it, let’s take a minute to applaud the photographer who captured this strange moment.

Pre Flight Flight

Getting Some Air

Feel At Home

There aren’t many more annoying situations than your flight getting delayed or canceled when you’re already at the airport. So what can you do when it does happen? One gentleman found the best solution. Go to sleep. And better yet, he went to sleep exactly where he had been standing in line.

Feel At Home

Feel At Home

It Was A Short Flight

What on earth is going on here? Glad you asked. This was part of a TV show called Man Vs. Beast that challenged animals against humans in different challenges. In this case, it was a group of midgets against an elephant, seeing who could move a DC-10 airplane faster. The elephant won.

Boeing Boeing Gone

It Was A Short Flight

The Three Monkeys Man

“Speak no evil, hear no evil, see no evil”… maybe we could add, “smell no evil”? This dude really takes flying privacy to a higher level. With that kind of privacy the airline could potentially charge him for a better seat.

The Three Monkeys Man

The Three Monkeys Man

“I Can’t Read, I Hope Grammy Can”

When this cute little six year old decided to make a sign for her grandparents flying in, she hoped that they could read better than she could write. The sign, quite illegible, still melted granny and grandpa’s hearts when they arrived to their over-excited grand-daughter.

At Least She Knows What Her Daughter Looks Like

“I Can’t Read, I Hope Grammy Can”

Only Kids

Kids are really cute, and sometimes they are real menaces. A Chinese man can attest to the latter. His son decided that it would be fitting to draw a beard for his dad… in his passport… over his picture. The officials at the airport didn’t seem to agree that the beard “did it” for his dad. He was sent to the embassy to apply for a new passport.

Only Kids

Only Kids

“Just Smile And Wave Boys…”

We’ve all watched Madagascar and fallen in love with the adorable penguins who are always scheming something new and fishy. But did you know that they’re actually real? Yeah, me neither. Here they have been spotted going through security at the airport. Where they’re going, we don’t know. What their plan is, we don’t know. If they’re cute, the answer is a firm “YES!”


“Just Smile And Wave Boys…”

Dynamite Comes In Small Packages

There are a number of words you aren’t allowed to say at an airport like, “bomb”, “gun”, and “snow-globe” – well maybe you can say it, but you can’t bring it onto an airplane. Durians are also dangerous, but for a different reason – their scent is so strong that it can cause other passengers to feel sick while flying. No-one wants that.

Dynamite Comes In Small Packages

Dynamite Comes In Small Packages


Master Tetris player? Massive family vacation? Nope. This is called a “Samson” trolley at the Sacramento International Airport. All I know is that I wouldn’t want the gifts I had just bought for my wife to be under that massive load.



Bad Boy

This is Piper. He is tasked with chasing away birds from the tarmac at the Cherry Capital Airport in Michigan. Aside from having a job that saves lives, he is also one super bad boy who sports his work uniform, topped off with the coolest snow goggles.

Bad Boy

Bad Boy

No Time To Waste

The bags are packed, they’ve been sent through to the luggage compartment of the plane, the flight is in another 45 minutes, what shall we do? I know, let’s get engaged! Minutes before rising to 35,000 ft in the air, this cute couple took their relationship to the next level. In front of surprised onlookers, he asked her to marry him. I’m sure she said ‘yes’.

No Time To Waste

No Time To Waste


Some people find beautiful and surprising ways to propose to their loved ones. Others find interesting and surprising ways to break up with their once-loved ones. Either way, the airport could be the best and worst place to send a personal message.

Selfie Sh


Fly, Forrest, Fly!

Is this man dressed up like Forrest Gump, or is this actually him? Complete with the sneakers, suit and appropriate haircut he surely had heads turning at the airport.

Fly Forest Fly

Fly, Forrest, Fly!

Good Advice

Let’s be honest about this, had there not been a sign we would not have known this valuable piece of advice.

Good Advice

Good Advice

Take Off

No, this is not a mass exodus of every single airplane in the United States. This is the creation of photographer Mike Kelley. He took around 400 photographs of planes leaving LAX Airport, then chose the 75 photos he liked and called it “Wake Turbulence”. It’s beautiful, isn’t it?

Take Off

Take Off

Bear With It

It’s probably not the story of many or any passengers that they have to wait for a polar bear to clear the runway. When it comes to Anchorage Airport in Canada it is a little more likely than other places. I guess there’s nothing wrong with seeing one of nature’s most beautiful animals before taking off.

Bear With It

Bear With It

Worth The Wait

Nobody likes waiting for their luggage for too long, and especially when it’s the holiday season and you want to see your family already. Spanair took it upon themselves to keep the holiday spirit high and happy by wrapping presents and sending them along the conveyor belt at the baggage claim. Each present was named for each traveler. How awesome?

Worth The Wait

Worth The Wait

Sea, Sun, Jet Fuel

What’s better than sunbathing on the beach while you’re on vacation? Well, some people believe that low-flying airplanes and streams of jet fuel over their heads are better. On Maho Island in the Caribbean, the beach is so close to the airport that it has actually become a tourist hot spot. Selfie alert!

Sea Sun Jet Fuel

Sea, Sun, Jet Fuel

Engine Trouble

Don’t worry, this pilot knows exactly where she needs to sit when she flies. Maria Pettersson of Sweden is not just a pilot, she is also a yoga enthusiast. Her photo which she posted on her social media pages gathered lots of attention.

Engine Trouble

Engine Trouble


If you ask me, I think this guy is a genius! It’s not easy finding a comfortable spot to sleep in when you’re waiting for a connecting flight, but this man found a way to utilize what he had to his advantage. He was smart enough to turn his suitcase on its side too.




“How about a drink?” How can you not love this man? Never miss a day that’s special to you – be it your birthday, an anniversary, or even… National Margarita Day. Cheers!



We’ll Be Landing Shortly But First…

“Ladies and gentlemen, we’ll be landing shortly, but first let me take a selfie.” This ballsy Brazilian pilot wanted to outdo his mates’ Instagram accounts by adding this picture. Flying out of Dubai, he put an entire plane’s passengers in harm’s way all in the name of Insta-fame. We can relax though, this image was revealed to be photo-shopped.

Well Be Landing Shortly But First...

We’ll Be Landing Shortly But First…

Always Log Out

It’s so easy to log into your social media accounts on any device these days. One girl learned the amusing way the importance of logging out of these accounts when using a device that doesn’t belong to you. Newcastle International Airport officials found Jasmine’s profile still opened, so they decided to leave a funny little reminder on her wall.

Facebook Fault

Always Log Out

The Invisa-Jet

Hey, maybe it’s Wonder Woman’s plane! That would explain why everyone is so anxiously lined up despite there being no visible aircraft in sight. One can dream, right?

The Invisa Jet

The Invisa Jet

Legs For Days

Those are a nice pair of legs that young man has there! We kid, we kid. But how much fun could you have with the moving sidewalk’s reflective side?

Legs For Days

Legs For Days

Just Plane Wrong

You hate to see it, but even pilots mess up sometimes. However, in this situation, we think it was the ice to blame. So, next time bad weather delays you, be grateful because no delay could mean this!

Just Plane Wrong

Just Plane Wrong

Not The Most Comforting Sight

If you ever fly from the Vnukovo International Airport located in Moscow, you may not want to look out of the windows during takeoff. Below, passengers have a lovely view of the wreckage from Dagestan Airlines Flight 37. Sadly, the plane’s engine failed and during the emergency landing it split into three pieces. Tragically, two people died, and plane wreckage was left so they could use it during the pilot’s trial. Dark.

Not The Most Comforting Sight

Not The Most Comforting Sight


For some unknown reason, a woman in Germany attempted to check herself onto a plane. Maybe it was to save money on a flight ticket, but wow, we have to applaud her flexibility to squeeze into that! We can’t imagine the look on the faces of the security team when they encountered a woman inside a bag.



It Pays To Be An Avid Reader

Hey, who would have guessed all the uses reading material could have in an airport? Need a nap? When you finish your articles just place the papers over you like a blanket. Nice.

It Pays To Be An Avid Reader

It Pays To Be An Avid Reader

Santa, Did You Pack Your Own Bag?

Again, Santa did you pack your own bags or did any elves assist you? Ho, Ho, Ho, Merry Christmas and a Happy Security Check to all! Yeah, even Santa can’t use his celebrity status to get out of this one.

Santa Did You Pack Your Own Bag

Santa, Did You Pack Your Own Bag?


After hours of sitting on a plane, we all need a good stretch. However, not everyone takes it this far. Perhaps, this gymnastics enthusiast was waiting to board and decided to do a pre-flight stretch. Maybe she could lead her fellow passengers in a short yoga class before boarding!



Sticky Situation

Ah, the dangers of falling asleep with children. Surely, this dad thought he could trust his kids to not get into anything too crazy while he shut his eyes for a bit. I mean, they didn’t get into anything too bad, just a little decorating…

Sticky Situation

Sticky Situation

Speed Racer

Now, this looks both dangerous and fun! Can you imagine taking an airport carousel for a quick spin? That’s one way to decompress after all the stress of traveling!

Speed Racer

Speed Racer

Man’s Best Co-Pilot

Honestly, who better to co-pilot your flight than a dog? We’re sure this dog was a hit with the passengers as well! Is there an option to pay extra for a dog co-pilot? That should be a thing.

Mans Best Co Pilot

Man’s Best Co-Pilot

Strange Sign

Hm, we can’t help but think the combination of these signs was a mistake. Not sure we want to visit a bathroom with warnings of severe weather, but hey, that’s just us.

Strange Sign

Strange Sign