We readily admit that we can’t think rationally about this subject. How could Brad and Angelina call it quits? These two A-Listers were supposed to be the power couple that ‘made it’ but alas, here we are. Brad and Angelina are calling it quits, gigantic extended family be darned. Before we move on from our obsession with both Brand and Angelina we first want to look at some of the most interesting aspects of their marriage. Listed below are 14 fun facts about Brangelina. #6 will blow you away and make you wish they never broke up!
Brad and Angelina met on set!
The year was 2005 and Brad Pitt was still attached to Friends bombshell, Jennifer Aniston. Brad was considered one of the sexiest men in the world and Angelina Jolie was right there opposite of him on the female version of the same list. It wasn’t a surprised to see the two superstars share the screen together in the action film Mr. & Mrs. Smith. What ended up surprising everyone was the fact that the movie would end up bringing the two stars together! Can you imagine working on set with these two every day? You’d probably want to read up on all of the latest quick weight loss tips just to fit in.

Brad And Angelina Met On Set
Angelina and Brad sold images of their twins for $14 million!
When you are a super celebrity like Brad or Angelina you can pretty much create value out of thin air. When Brad and Angelina announced that they were having twins together they were instantly being swarmed for photographs as they were released. Instead of allowing the paparazzi to win the picture taking game, Angelina and Pitt instead opted to sell the first images of their twins to People and Hello! magazine for a total of $14 million. Before you leap down Brangelina’s throats for being greedy you should know that the money was donated to the Jolie and Pitt Foundation in order to do good in a variety of different ways. If you want to help lose weight easy then just imagine giving up $14 million dollars — it’ll make you sweat out those extra pounds!

Angelina And Brad Sold Images Of Their Twins For 14 Million
Brad and Angelina adopted their first child together in 2005.
With Pitt’s relationship to Jennifer Aniston in full public meltdown mode the world was curious to see what would happen next. Instead of hiding in the shadows Pitt instead publicly supported his new lover, Angelina. Pitt stood next to Angelina while she adopted her second child, a girl named Zahara from Ethiopia. While Pitt and Angelina weren’t officially ‘official’ he was still present at the time of the paper’s being signed. That’s a pretty big deal.

Brad And Angelina Adopted Their First Child Together In 2005
In 2006 Brad became the adopted father to Angelina’s children.
Is there anything more heartwarming than seeing orphaned children go to loving homes? By 2006, roughly one year into Brad and Angelina’s relationship, Brad would sign the paperwork to become the adopted father to Jolie’s two adopted children: Maddox and Zahara. After this paperwork was processed the kids became Maddox and Zahara Jolie-Pitt. Talk about a powerhouse last name! Though they may not be the blood children of Angelina and Brad, we bet that they’ll grow up to be beautiful and talented, somehow never needing to use the lose weight programs that us normal plebs have to live by.

In 2006 Brad Became The Adopted Father To Angelinas Children
Angelina and Brad have six children together!
You would think that life would be too busy to start a huge family, but Brad and Angelina managed to do it just fine for so long. Brad and Angelina have three adopted children together and three biological children: a pair of twins and a beautiful little girl named Shiloh. Brad and Angelina caused quite the scene when the whole family was out and about together.

Angelina And Brad Have Six Children Together
Brad and Angelina made it ‘official’ in 2014.
It seems like ages since Brad left Jennifer in order to get with Angelina but the truth is a little more surprising. Brad and Angelina may have gotten together in 2005 but they didn’t get engaged until 2012 and they weren’t married until 2014. Now, in 2016, we shake our heads in disappointment as their marriage comes to an end before our eyes. Despite the relatively short marriage, just two years, Brad and Angelina were together for over a decade.

Brad And Angelina Made It Official In 2014
Brangelina has been on camera together three times!
What do you think about working with your spouse? Does the thought make you excited to go to work or are you instead filled with dread? Jolie and Pitt apparently loved working together and they made it happen on three separate occasions. Obviously the first time that Pitt and Jolie worked together was on the action film Mr. and Miss Smith. Next we saw Pitt and Jolie reunite on screen in Mighty Heart and the final time was in the 2014 film By the Sea.

Brangelina Has Been On Camera Together Three Times
Angelina raised her first adopted son, Maddox, alone.
That is until Brad came along to help out Angelina had previously been married to bad boy actor Billy Bob Thornton. The couple had decided to adopt Maddox together but things went sideways when they split up. Billy Bob backed out of the spotlight of parenthood and Angelina was forced to become a single mother. Jolie bore the burden lovingly until Brad showed up to help out.

Angelina Raised Her First Adopted Son Maddox Alone
Brad and Angelina keep the family involved in the ‘biz!
If you think that Brad and Angelina want their children just to coast by thanks to the ridiculous wealth of their family, you would be wrong. Angelina and Brad pushed young Zahara to embrace her acting passion and the child was quick to land a voice acting role in the coveted Kung Fu Panda 3 film. It’s nice to see that Pitt and Jolie are keeping their children sharp and focused when they aren’t, you know, being children. Shiloh also had a voice role in the film.

Brad And Angelina Keep The Family Involved In The Biz
Angelina gave birth to her first child in Nambia.
Where do you go when you want to ‘get away’? Angelina decided to go all the way to Nambia in order to give birth to her first biological child, Shiloh. The reason that Jolie went to Nambia is pretty obvious: she wanted to give birth to her child without the media crawling through the hallways of the hospital.

Angelina Gave Birth To Her First Child In Nambia
Jolie and Pitt donate directly to UNICEF.
When Shiloh was first born Jolie decided that she was going to do something special. Instead of giving away photos of her newborn child she instead sold them. The sold photos of Shiloh receive over $7 million dollars and all of that cash would go to UNICEF. Angelina and Brad definitely live how they talk.

Jolie And Pitt Donate Directly To UNICEF
Angelina’s wedding dress was inspired by her family.
If you think that someone like Angelina would be too high fashion to be risky on her wedding day then think again. In the ultimate love letter to her children, Jolie took drawings from her children and had them sewn directly into her wedding dress. The wedding was a relatively low key affair and this dress is just another example as to why — Pitt and Jolie are focused on family above all else.

Angelinas Wedding Dress Was Inspired By Her Family
Brad didn’t make it to the top on accident.
When you look just at Pitt’s marriage to the beautiful Angelina Jolie you can forget that he worked hard to get to where he was. Believe it or not at one point in time Pitt was just another pretty face slumming it up in Hollywood. Pitt used to swing fast food signs in front of restaurants in order to get people to come inside. Pitt also did work as both a pool boy and as a waiter in order to make ends meet.

Brad Didnt Make It To The Top On Accident
Brad and Angelina were one of the highest earning couples in the world.
When you have an A List actor in the relationship then you are probably going to be making some solid money. When you have two A list actors in the relationship then the money you are making will be ridiculous. For a long time Jolie and Pitt were routinely making Forbes’ list of highest earning couples with one of their ‘best years’ showing a $34 million pooled income with one another. That’s not a bad paycheck at all!

Brad And Angelina Were One Of The Highest Earning Couples In The World