All That Slithers: The Deadliest Snakes On Earth

Published on 08/13/2017

Yellow-Bellied Sea Snake

A human can go, what, 3 days without water? Well, a Yellow-Bellied Sea Snake can survive up to 7 months during drought seasons without a sip. That’s not the fact that scares us, though. If bitten by this sea swimmer, a person can die within hours if they don’t get help. The good news is that scientists have created antivenom specifically for these bites.

Yellow Bellied Sea Snake

Yellow-Bellied Sea Snake


Elephant Trunk Snake

Let’s be honest, this isn’t the most beautiful snake we’ve ever seen. It kind of looks like a soggy cucumber that lost its color. We can be relieved however, that this snake poses a very little threat to humans. If you’re a fish, then you might see it differently. Being able to keep itself under water for 40 minutes with one breath, it traps fish by ambushing them on the ocean floor.

Elephant Trunk Snake1

Elephant Trunk Snake