30+ Brilliant Uses For WD-40 – Who Would Have Thought

Published on 10/21/2018

Wiping Down Your Fridge

Since we always have something in our fridges, we hardly ever take the time to actually clean them out. It also doesn’t help that it’s really, really hard to clean some of the gunk that grows there. But WD-40 allows you to wipe it away with ease.

Wiping Down Your Fridge

Wiping Down Your Fridge


Pretreating Blood Stains

Picture the scene. Your kid just fell and although he’s alright, there’s some blood on his new shirt from that nasty graze. What do you do? You can treat that stain before it’s anywhere near to becoming a stain. You know what to do.

Pretreating Blood Stains

Pretreating Blood Stains