First or Last Name?
You probably wondered what was up with Gilligan over the course of the show. Meaning, did this guy have a first name? No one ever mentioned one. After the show ended, Sherwood Schwartz revealed that Gilligan’s first name was Willy. Creator Schwartz even confessed this about actor Bob Denver, saying, “He thinks Gilligan is his first name, and I think it’s his last name. Because in the original presentation, it’s Willy Gilligan. But he doesn’t believe it, and he doesn’t want to discuss it. He insists the name is Gilligan.”

First Or Last Name?
A $20K Skirt
Character Mary Ann Summers was every man and young boy’s crush. All the women adored this incredibly talented actress. Although, it was more than her personality that fans will always remember. Did you know that one skirt the character wore for the show sold for an outrageous sum? Yes, her skirt really sold for $20,000!

A $20K Skirt