Money On And Off-Set
Next up, we have to talk about Natalie Schafer who played millionaire Mrs. Howell. Maybe you didn’t know, but the actress was also a millionaire in real life! From buying Rodeo Drive properties up at a time when they cost about as much as a cheap car and then flipping them once prices skyrocketed, Natalie Schafer made out as well as her character!

Money On And Off-Set
Worldwide Acclaim
Despite only having three seasons, Gilligan’s Island grew to be famous all across the world. Actually, Dawn Wells had an interesting experience while visiting the Solomon Islands in the South Pacific. Wells came to a small island tribe who lived without luxuries of modern technology. So, they didn’t even have electricity in the fishing village. Anyhow, Wells got introduced to the chief and he was overwhelmed and ecstatic. The chief actually recognized her from Gilligan’s Island! Unbelievable!

Worldwide Acclaim