Heartbreaking TV Moments That Made You Cry Your Eyes Out

Published on 11/07/2017

The Fresh Prince of Bel Air

When Will’s father leaves him for a second time, and he asks Uncle Phil why his dad doesn’t love him. “How come he don’t want me?” When Will asks this question with tears welling up in his eyes, I am furious at Will’s father and am sobbing hysterically. If computers were around then, maybe Will could have found some comfort with online counseling but for now, a hug from Uncle Phil will do.

Fresh Prince Of Bel Air

Fresh Prince Of Bel Air


Dawson’s Creek

Again, another horribly crushing series finale. We flash forward five years and see that Jen is a mom! Great, right? NO. Jen dies because of undiagnosed heart condition and leaves behind a heart wrenching video to her daughter before she dies. That is just cruel.

Dawsons Creek

Dawsons Creek