Klingon Kruge – Christopher Lloyd
Long before Christopher Lloyd was the brilliant Doc Brown, he was Klingon Kruge, folks. So wrap your mind around that! Oh, it’s not all that far fetched it is? Well let us point out that Lloyd only decided to audition for the part due to the urging of his fellow actor and friend Leonard Nimoy, aka Spock. The rest as they say is history – great Scott!

Klingon Kruge – Christopher Lloyd
Lt. Saavik – Robin Curtis
Robin Custis is best remembered to Trekkies as the replacement for Kirstie Alley as Vulcan Lieutenant Saavik in films Star Trek III: The Search for Spock and Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home. Curtis would appear in many other film and television shows, along with some works in stage and commercial – however in 1999, she retired from acting.

Lt. Saavik – Robin Curtis