Lieutenant Uhura – Nichelle Nichols
Nichelle Nichols is a wonderful, wonderful human being whose on-screen work has shattered misconceptions time and time again. For instance, her Star Trek character became one of the first African American female characters to appear on American TV and NOT portray a servant. Nichols once considered leaving the show but the civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. had personally asked her to stay – as she personally opened a door to the African American Civil Rights Movement at the time. (Heck, it was her character that inspired Whoopi Goldberg to become an actress). What’s even more noteworthy is that after the show, she partnered with NASA on a special project to recruit minority and female personnel for the space agency – awesome is an understatement here, the woman is a Goddess.

Lieutenant Uhura – Nichelle Nichols
Lieutenant Worf – Michael Dorn
Michael Dorn’s first ever appearance was in the pilot episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation while his last was in Star Trek: Nemesis. Why is this relevant? Because Dorn has appeared more times as a regular cast member than any other in the entire franchise. And we’re talking about the five films and the 272 television episodes for Dorn. Following the show’s end, Dorn has appeared in numerous supporting roles, especially in independent feature films. Moreover he is also an accomplished pilot who owns and operates a Lockheed T-33 trainer jet – jokingly he calls it his ‘starship’.

Lieutenant Worf – Michael Dorn