The beloved fruit (yes, fruit) of millennials, avocados are worshiped for their creamy texture, fresh flavor, and natural energy. Avocados strengthen eyesight and cardio health, and reduce the risk of some cancers. They contain tons of healthy fats (so eat in moderation), so you’ll have plenty of energy to get through the day. You can add avocados to pretty much everything these days, but there’s nothing like the classic avo toast: mashed avocado on freshly made bread, topped with lemon juice, salt, and a fried egg. We’re drooling just thinking about it!

We saved the best for last! We all know we should be drinking 2 liters of water per day (about 8 glasses), but who actually manages to do that? Well, if you’re trying to lose weight, you better start. Water is the absolute best weight loss trick – drinking a glass or two before any meal makes you much less likely to overeat, and keeps you full for longer afterwards. Start carrying a water bottle everywhere you go to increase your water intake – and decrease your waistline. Cheers to that!
