Behind-the-Scenes Facts About ‘The Brady Bunch’

Published on 11/23/2017

The D Word

So back then divorce was pretty taboo therefore no one really talked about Mrs. Brady’s first husband. Everyone knows that Mr. Brady is a widower, but no one is quite sure about Carol’s angle. Florence actually joked, when she was asked about her background, that she killed him.

The D Word

The D Word


In The Closet

Unfortunately back then, gay actors remained in the closet for fear of public disappointment – Robert Reed wasn’t an exception to this. In fact Florence Henderson noticed quite early on that he was uncomfortable in romantic scenes with her, until he eventually admitted the truth to her privately. Therefore they worked around it, even rehearsing kissing and hugging off-camera, so that way they would appear more natural when it came to filming. Fun and beautiful fact: the whole cast kept Reed’s homosexuality a secret until well after his death.

In The Closet

In The Closet