Forget A Jet Charter: These Are The Fanciest Celebrity Private Jets & Yachts

Published on 11/13/2017

Mark Cuban – Gulfstream V, Estimated $40 Million

A busy, successful business man in his own right, Cuban spends a lot of time travelling. Stock trades at all times, and he must get to every Dallas Mavericks game. This jet, although it may be expensive, was certainly a great investment. He has created a smart business empire using his expertise and also helps new businesses and charities frequently.


Seth MacFarlane – Gulfstream, Estimated $50 Million

The creator of popular series Family Guy, he has received criticism that his show is full of low-IQ humor only suitable for stoner teens. The numbers speak for themselves however. Having started in 1999, it is still going strong. The man surely has many places to be, and with the net worth he has amassed, why not travel in style?