Brilliant Car Cleaning Hacks Local Dealers Wish You Didn’t Know

Published on 07/27/2017

Floor Mat Heaven

Don’t worry about online auto insurance or the car wash when you need to clean the car floor mats. Instead take the car floor mats out, place on the ground, spray spray stain remover on them, and then put them in the washing machine with some laundry detergent, separate from everything else of course. Furthermore set the cycle to gentle (so this way you won’t break your washer), and done.

Floor Mat Heaven

Floor Mat Heaven


Pam Halpert

Okay so Pam Halpert has nothing to do with the car trick but it got your attention! If you’re looking for another trick to get rid of those icky bugs on your front bumper then be sure to keep the spray Pam around. Simply spray some on the bumper, wait, and then wipe it all off.

Pam Halpert

Pam Halpert