Brilliant Car Cleaning Hacks Local Dealers Wish You Didn’t Know

Published on 07/27/2017

Winter Time

When temperatures plummet and the roads get salted, ice is not able to form so the snow melts. But then this also causes your car’s bodywork to melt away, from the salt. Next time, to avoid such a disaster, mix water and vinegar together and spray this under your car. Therefore the salt will wash away and your car won’t erode.

Winter Time

Winter Time


Sheet No More

More often than not, kids are able to drop all of kinds things in and in between the car seats (or maybe it’s just you). Either way, it’s a total nightmare to clean all of this, especially if it’s candy that’s melted. To avoid this, put a sheet underneath the seat so if things do fall through, the sheet will collect it all!

Sheet No More

Sheet No More