Brilliant Car Cleaning Hacks Local Dealers Wish You Didn’t Know

Published on 07/27/2017

Drink Up

It’s common knowledge that Coca Cola has tons of acid in it, which is actually great for breaking rust down. So when you’ve got rust on the car, a metal bar, or a suspension bridge — Coca Cola is the answer. The cheap answer. Spray the Coca Cola where the rust is, wait, and then just wipe it off. Crazy, but it works.

Drink Up

Drink Up


Olive Oil Dash

Hmm, if you’ve ever tried to wash leather then you know it’s quite simply one of the hardest things you can do. Especially if you put the wrong thing on leather, you can destroy it. Instead take a little bit of olive oil, place on a cloth or towel, and then rub it in circles onto your seats. As it does last a while, don’t over use it. Oh, the only downside? You might crave Italian food a lot, but hey, you’ll have the nicest leather seats. Win-win?

Olive Oil Dash

Olive Oil Dash