All That Slithers: The Deadliest Snakes On Earth

Published on 08/13/2017

Burrowing Asp

BBurrowing Asp is a truly terrifying name! Especially when you learn that it likes to hide underground, typically near children’s playgrounds, it’s even more terrifying. Time to phone up that health insurance coverage, like now. Not just because of where it hides, but because it injects their poison deeper than any other snake alive.

Burrowing Asp

Burrowing Asp


Coastal Taipan

Oh great, the Coastal Taipan species is up next. See that’s sarcasm, cause this snake is one large, highly venomous snake which belongs to the Elapidae family. Native to the coastal regions of northern and eastern Australia and also the island of New Guinea. However according to toxicological studies, this species of snake ranks as sixth-most venomous land snake in the world. Oh, no thank you, that’s terrifying.


Coastal Taipan