You can’t deny that cakes of any shape, filling, or flavor are delicious. And you can’t really go wrong with cake or can you? Yes. Yes you absolutely can. To prove it to you, we rounded up some of the most brutal and hilarious messages that have ever been written on cakes – messages we didn’t even know could possibly exist.
That’s Rough
That’s right, we’re kicking off this list with the most brutal of break-ups in history of mankind. On another note, that cake does look mouthwatering so maybe you were done a favor? It’s a whole two birds, one stone kind of thing.

That’s Rough
We Can So Relate
Pretty sure every single one of us can relate to this message. I’m definitely a guilty party and this cake is just the perfect way to relay your apologies.

We Can So Relate
And now I’m never gonna get this song out of my head….thanks a million, sir.

At Least He Means It
Now this really is the greatest cake we have ever seen! He loves you, like A LOT. No really, it says so on the cake.

At Least He Means It
The message on the cake is irrelevant – there was never a doubt you’d leave a piece behind. Oh wait, is that just me?

You Couldn’t Fail More If You Tried
Well we know two things here – who the favorite in the family is and how serious this cake decorator takes his-her job.

You Couldn’t Fail More If You Tried
Gee Thanks
We love you too. Secondly, that’s rude. Third, gimme a piece of that cookie cake right now.

Gee Thanks
Good One
Who needs a graphic design degree when you just screenshot and send? On a cake no less. (Although all kidding aside, this is the yummiest screenshot we’ve ever seen.)

Good One
Hello 50
Let’s just get one thing out of the way – the cake decorator in this case, really went above and beyond. Now onto the more brutal part, turning 50 doesn’t sound all that alluring.

Hello 50
Hey Cathy
This cake has a Golden Girls kind of vibe, wouldn’t you agree? Which basically means, it’s awesome!

Hey Cathy
Honesty Isn’t The Best Policy
Sometimes when you’re changing jobs, not *everyone* is all that thrilled for you. (Feeling inspired yet?)

Honesty Isn’t The Best Policy
Is That All?
Instead of focusing on my online university homework, I’m laughing at this message on the cake. It sounds like something I’d write.

Is That All?
It Happens
We can’t decide if this is rude or just plain hilarious, probably the latter. Additionally, it definitely sounds like something most of us have experienced.

It Happens
Just No
Clearly this cake decorator was having an off day when he-she woke or maybe the instructions weren’t clear enough. Who knows who is to blame, it’s all a mess.

Just No
Looks Tasty Though
I thought your coworkers were supposed to get the cake and not the other way around. Then again, could we get a slice?

Looks Tasty Though
Oh Heck No
Please, please, please let this be photoshopped! **Alert: this is not photoshopped and is totally real.** I think I just puked in my mouth a bit, this is the cruelest trick I have ever laid eyes on. And we’re pretty sure no one needed a graphic design degree to come up with it either.

Oh Heck No
Oh Thanks
Now this message sounds like something my sister would say so yeah, we guess that’s that.

Oh Thanks
Take about taking the icing off the cake – this is horrible! But also hilarious. We should mention it’s also genius. Basically it’s perfect.

That is the Question
Welp, this is certainly quite the question, also what a thing to put on a cake! Now everyone is feeling uncomfortable as they chow down on that scrumptious cake. Especially if they don’t like you.

That is the Question
References Are Key
When I found this image, I laughed (no joke) for about two whole minutes. And when I showed the image to my coworkers – they didn’t laugh. Now, I don’t know what to believe, I guess my sense of humor is on a different level!

References Are Key
Slow Clap
I hate to even say this….but maybe the cake decorator didn’t go to university, not even online university. Or *maybe* they just didn’t care! They read it in a rush and boom – this was the result. Yeah, that’s probably it. Everyone makes mistakes.

Slow Clap
Straight To The Point
BAHAHAHAHAH. HAHAHAH. Now that we’re done laughing, we can say that giiiiiirl, we feel your pain. Also, way to “copy” that ever popular meme.

Straight To The Point
Support System
Don’t ever doubt that men don’t know things (by things we mean feelings), they just have their own way of handing things. His buddies were there when it counted and that’s all that matters!

Support System
At Least He’s Sorry
Let’s just say that it was a mistake? Right? That had to be it and hey, he’s sorry enough to get you a cake if that counts for anything.

At Least He’s Sorry
Thank You
No, really. Thank you. Even my own mother can’t tolerate my attitude sometimes, or my sass. Or any of the other 50 annoying qualities I have. – Said every person on the globe.

Thank You
The Proudest Parents
Oh snap. It’s safe to assume that these parents in particular have a favorite. Someone should tell them not everyone is perfect and there’s nothing wrong with online university – a degree is a degree.

The Proudest Parents
This Is Just Sad
We’re not entirely sure if this is hilarious or just plain old sad. No, you’re right…it’s just sad. Then again, you do get an entire cake to yourself so yeah, no, that’s good. Never mind.

This Is Just Sad
This Is Not
Talk about not picking up on what they were putting down.

This Is Not
Valiant Effort
What? Not all cakes need to look like they cost hundreds of dollars, it’s the little things in life that matter. This cake was made with love…at 10:30 so yeah.

Valiant Effort
Well Do You?
Oh my goodness! Now THIS is how you write a message on a cake, it’s got sass and attitude all wrapped into sugary greatness.

Well Do You?
We’re Sorry Too
Ladies – it’s safe to say we can alllll relate to this message. We have all been guilty of such craziness at some point or another and don’t act like you haven’t either. 🙂

We’re Sorry Too
Where Do We Even Begin?
AHEM. Where in the world do we even begin – with the message on the cake? Or maybe the horrific grammar mistake that’s making our skin crawl? Or maybe it’s the fact that this could easily be a cake that I would get myself?

Where Do We Even Begin?
Will You Though?
Let us explain before you throw up! This was in fact a goodbye cake to a technician at a veterinary clinic…makes sense now, doesn’t it? Thought so.

Will You Though?
You Had One Job
When someone asks you what you want written on the cake and they reply with, “Nothing.” That quite literally means NOTHING – as in, leave it blank. Don’t think it gets more clear than that.

You Had One Job
Well? ARE YOU? It’s no graphic design degree or anything fancy like that but hey, it is a chocolate chip cookie cake and that’s pretty much everything!

The Cake Smells Good Probably
Whoa – this cake is utterly hilarious and is probably one of the best decorated cakes out there too. Slay.

The Cake Smells Good Probably
Blue Man Group
Maybe that’s just how Adam is known….he always has blue flowers with him OR maybe that’s just how this cake giver knows him. Okay, that’s weird. You’re right, it was a mistake and not anything else.

Blue Man Group
Bye Felicia
Man, people really take it seriously and personally when you leave a job! It seems like the ultimate betrayal!

Bye Felicia
We won’t even give this person any grief because buddy, we’re right there with you. This is so me on every level.

Daddy Issues
That’s certainly one way to apologize, on behalf of your father of course.

Daddy Issues