This Man Lives In An Unconventional Home In The Middle Of The Woods

Published on 09/17/2018

Fine Details

It appears to us that Bruce Campbell thought about every detail in his home. This is evident by the shoe rack you will find in the front area of the aircraft. It is full of pairs of slippers, so that visitors can slip one on before they step into the house. Campbell explained that he wants his visitors to cover their feet in order to maintain the home’s cleanliness. Just imagine how tiring it must be to clean such a large space!

Fine Details

Fine Details


Number 1 Rule

He saw just how quickly dirt could accumulate on the glass floor thanks to the forest. This is why he came up with the sock and slipper rule. He wants to keep the airplane home in excellent condition and who doesn’t like seeing a pristine home, right? Even though he lives alone, Campbell takes pride in his creation.

Number 1 Rule

Number 1 Rule