This Man Lives In An Unconventional Home In The Middle Of The Woods

Published on 09/17/2018

Strength Or Ergonomics?

He believes that the way traditional homes are considered inferior since their designers tend to focus on the structure’s ergonomics over strength. He explained, “To me it makes no sense at all to destroy the finest structures available and then turn around and build homes out of materials which are fundamentally little better than pressed cardboard, using ancient and inferior design and building methods.”

Strength Or Ergonomics

Strength Or Ergonomics


What’s Possible

A lot of people come up to Campbell and ask him questions like if the plane was a mere reconstruction of a real one or if the jetliner crashed in the Oregon woods. He said he does not care for these questions, as they are nothing but illogical and unreasonable.

What’s Possible

What’s Possible