Lighten Dark Underarms
When summer is coming, there is nothing more humiliating when we have a dark underarm. We can get these marks away by applying baking soda. You only need baking soda, water, and a bowl to make a perfect solution for the problem. With the mixture of the ingredient, we will apply it to the area and massage our underarm for 1 minute. After massaging, leave it for 30 minutes and lastly wash it with warm water. Do this 2-3 times a week and it will give you the greatest result.

Lighten Dark Underarms
Exercise Performace
Even for the athletes, baking soda is useful for them, too. It can help the athletes perform their limits for a longer duration. Even with high-intensity workouts with the use of the mixture they can exercise efficiently. The mixture can delay the fatigue that we experience as the workout increases.

Exercise Performance