Chicken Pox Cure
For those who never got the chickenpox, then we sure are lucky. However, when we have chickenpox, we will be experiencing pain, suffering, and itchiness. We can ease the itchiness by stirring half of a tablespoon of baking soda on a glass of water. We can use a soft washcloth to put the mixture of water on the parts where the body has the chickenpox. After applying the mixture, allow it to fully dry on your body.

Chicken Pox Cure
Clean Food Containers
We do know that the food container can get stained. With all the food like your packed lunches, pasta sauces, and soups, we have no doubt that our container will be dirty. To make our container clean and shine again, we can sprinkle a baking soda in the clean sponge and rub it in the food container.

Clean Food Containers