What I Wish Everyone Knew About Baking Soda Is About To Be Revealed

Published on 05/14/2020

Oil Or Grease Fire

Fire extinguisher contains baking soda to produce carbon dioxide that can help smother and put out the fire. This means that baking soda can extinguish small fires like oil and grease fires. But, do not try to put out a large fire by using a baking soda because the bigger fire can absorb a large amount of oxygen that can counter the effects of the mixture. When we are hesitant to do something, call for help.

Oil Or Grease Fire


Diaper Rash

Every parent does not want to see their children in pain or discomfort. However, diaper rash is inevitable for those children. Cream and cures can be expensive for our wallet. But there is an effective and cheapest way to cure the rash. Just sprinkle a baking soda into your baby’s bathwater and let the child soak in it for a while until they feel relief.

Diaper Rash