Shower Curtain
We know that the shower curtains are cheap. However, do not be tempted to buy a new one when it gets stained or dirty because it will only harm your health. The material that is used in making a shower curtain is PVC. It is a harmful material for a person. Buying a new one might give off a fume that can damage your health especially when you are taking a steaming hot shower. Cleaning shower curtains is easy, by using laundry detergent, 1 cup of baking soda, light-colored towels, and 10 drops of tea tree oil for removing any molds. Just toss the curtain and towels into the washing machine with the mixture on a 40-60 laundry cycle and the result will be cleaner than we expected.

Shower Curtain
Oil Spills
For those that find it difficult to remove the oil stains on the carper, shirt or anywhere else, try this hack. Use baking soda to absorb the grease and oil on any type of cloth. But first, scrape all the excess grease. Then, sprinkle some baking soda above the stain. Let it be for 10 to 15 minutes and it will eventually absorb the oil. Afterward, vacuum the excess and wash the cloth in a cold cycle.

Oil Spills