Fabric Softener
Fabric softeners are usually filled with harmful chemicals most of the time. Because of this, we can try using baking soda to replace this household staple. Add half a cup of baking soda to the rinse cycle and this will help soften the clothes. It is simple yet effective.

Fabric Softener
Clean Fridge
We know for a fact that refrigerators accumulate a distinct smell over some time. In order to clean and remove the odor, place a small open pot of baking soda inside the refrigerator. This will absorb all the strong odors inside the fridge. Stir the pot occasionally so that it will be more effective. Don’t forget to replace the batch every other week. For the clean freaks, wipe the shelves and walls of the fridge with a damp cloth that was dipped with baking soda before wiping it again with a cloth that is rinsed with warm water.

Clean Fridge