Treat Athlete’s Foot
A few medical studies have shown that baking soda has antifungal properties and can help inhibit fungal growth in most parts of the human skin and nail infections. It is highly advised to apply a paste of baking soda to treat fungal infections on the feet and or between toes. Make a paste by adding a tablespoon of baking soda to a bit of lukewarm water. Rub the paste to the area of infection, rinse it and dry. It is also optional to apply some baby powder to keep the feet free from moisture.

Treat Athlete’s Foot
Soften Skin
For those with sensitive skin, weather changes can really be a pain in the ass. For those who want to liven and revive the quality of their skin, they can apply a bit of baking soda with warm water, apply it to the skin and then rinse. The part that was applied with the mixture will be as soft as a baby’s bottom.

Soften Skin