What I Wish Everyone Knew About Baking Soda Is About To Be Revealed

Published on 05/14/2020


Heartburn is also known as acid reflux has an effect of burning sensation from our throat into our stomach, which essentially goes down into our esophagus. Heartburn is caused by overeating, stress, spicy foods, and certain fruits. Baking soda has a solution to the problem because it can neutralize stomach acid. Try drinking a glass of water with 1 teaspoon of baking soda.



Cancer Treatments

For cancer, chemotherapy is commonly the treatment for patients. The therapy can help the patient by slowing the growth of the cancer cells. Baking soda can also help the patients for their illness. It can make the patients’ environment for tumors a less acidic place. With this, it can help the chemotherapy treatments.

Cancer Treatments