Aarti Mann – Purvesh Mankad : Married (Unknown to Present)
Most people know her as Priya Koothrappali, Raj’s younger sister on The Big Bang Theory. The actress Aarti Mann has gotten hitched to Purvesh Mankad, a finance specialist. They got married some years ago although the exact date isn’t confirmed. Together, the pair have a daughter. The young family live in Los Angeles, where the actress continues to build a career in acting and directing. In spite of the fact that she has two doctors for parents, Aarti says she and her other two siblings are “all over the artistic side of things”.

Aarti Mann – Purvesh Mankad : Married (Unknown to Present)
Mayim Bialik – Michael Stone : Divorced (2003 to 2012)
“Blossom” graduate Mayim Bialik plays the character Amy Fowler on the show. Amy is a woman with a very strong mind and she is also a neurobiologist. Her role on The Big Bang Theory was written in during the time Howard and Raj chanced upon her on a site for online dating. The two guys believe she is perfect for Sheldon. Mayim, in real life, was married to Michael Stone and the couple had two sons together. They were married for 9 years before they got divorced in 2012. However, the two still raise their children together.

Mayim Bialik – Michael Stone : Divorced (2003 to 2012)