Blast From The Past: Women From Popular TV Shows & Movies

Published on 07/01/2018

Sandy Duncan

The Hogan Family alum Sandy Duncan is also known for her work in the Broadway show Peter Pan. The 72 year old singer, dancer, comedienne and actress has been nominated for three Tony Awards, two Emmy Awards, and two Golden Globe Awards in her career. She still performs on Broadway.

Sandy Duncan

Sandy Duncan


Christine Lakin

39 year old Christine Lakin is well known as Alicia “Al” Lambert on Step by Step, Joan of Arc on Reefer Madness, the sidekick on talk show The Kilborn File, and is also the voice of Joyce Kinney in Family Guy. Phew, that’s quite a list. Lakin currently has the main role on the new series Hollywood Darlings.

Christine Lakin

Christine Lakin