Out in a rural area of Ontario, Canada, there lives an 83 year old man named Bruce Beach. Beach has built one of the most bizarre and intense structures on the continent. Inspired by a vision, which we will get to, he embarked on this wild mission.
Strange Sight
Even with authorities trying to stop Bruce Beach, he keeps fighting. You can’t see the elaborate detail from above ground, but this project is a lot more guarded than you may have thought. His odd beliefs have led him to build something that many call miraculous. What exactly has Bruce Beach done?

Strange Sight
Moving North
Originally, Bruce Beach is from Winfield, Kansas. As you may have realized, he grew up during a very tense era in his nation’s history. From the Vietnam War to the tensions of the Cold War, the menacing atmosphere sure left its mark on Bruce Beach. Thus, he packed his things and moved with his wife and family into Canada. In Canada, he would start on a mission that would make him famous.

Moving North