Bruce Beach Buried 42 Buses Underground…But Why?

Published on 09/30/2018


Now, that Bruce Beach’s children are adults with their own kids, they’ve been outspoken about their views of Bruce’s apocalyptic worldview. Simply put, they’re done with it. I mean can you imagine growing up in that environment? We don’t blame them. That must have been really troubling to grow up constantly frightened of a nuclear attack from such a young age. How does their contradictory view affect their father?




Selfless Motives

Over the years as the threat of nuclear war has fallen and risen, Beach continued to prepare. He doesn’t mind what others think of him. He believes he is doing the best thing to aid society. Actually, he believes many “preppers” are more selfish in nature and too focused on their own survival. In contrast, he sees himself as different with Ark Two exceeding all other preppers’ visions. But how?

Selfless Motives

Selfless Motives