Finished Work
As he completed his project, Bruce Beach decided to name it Ark Two. His maze measures around 10,000 square feet. Within the walls of this underground labyrinth, he can fit a total of 500 people! Well, that is, if they’re lucky to be let in. Of course, Beach claims he designed the space for people to use it, but he’s been very particular about who can use it…

Finished Work
Special Screening
Beach has thought long and hard about who he will let into Ark Two and under which circumstances. Firstly, he does not want anyone who is ill to enter his underground project, especially if they are carrying an infectious disease. However, even if someone appears physically healthy, he requests to screen them under strict standards. He is afraid of others bringing in contaminants from above ground. As Bruce Beach sees it, he must keep Ark Two completely sterile. Thus, he invented a solution.

Special Screening