This Baby Elephant Had Been On The Brink Of Death When The Unexpected Happened

Published on 08/20/2019

The Elephant Procession

Urulanthanni River is a body of water in southern India. There are lush forests surrounding it, and this area is known to house a herd of elephants. They can roam there to their heart’s content. The workers have become familiar with these animals. They feel both fear and fascination whenever they see the beasts. However, they make sure to leave the elephants alone whenever they pass by. They can tell when the animals are nearby because the ground shakes under their feet! The noise sounds like a freight train.

The Elephant Procession

The Elephant Procession


Baby Fell Down

This procession of sorts was nothing unusual… at least not until the day the unexpected happened. It had been a lovely day as the herd made their way to the nearby forest. To cross the river, they needed to walk through the holding. While it is routine for the adult elephants, the babies had a hard time crossing the river. There was a baby in the group, and it was the youngest member of the herd. It was only a sixth of the size of its adult companions! As the herd crossed, the calf fell into a hollow area between the river and the land. It was only a couple of feet away, but the calf was now covered in mud and unable to escape the area! The others had no idea how to retrieve this baby.

Baby Fell Down

Baby Fell Down