This Baby Elephant Had Been On The Brink Of Death When The Unexpected Happened

Published on 08/20/2019

Feeling Anxious

They began to make noises, although it did not help. The calf was now displaying signs of hopelessness and fatigue, which was too much for its adult companions. As the realization that it was very serious started to dawn on everyone, they started to feel desperate to help the baby. The elephants began to pace back and forth.

Feeling Anxious

Feeling Anxious


Minutes Then Hours

They inspected the small cavity from where they were. There was no way they could go there to fetch the baby. These are smart creatures, so they figured out that doing that will only make things worse. Time went on, but they still had no idea how to help. Minutes became hours, and the danger only grew bigger as the young elephant got more tired. It was devastating to think that their baby was in danger.

Minutes Then Hours

Minutes Then Hours