Marilou York
Can you really look at Mark Hamill without thinking of him as Luke Skywalker from Star Wars? While he was playing that iconic role, he met a dental hygienist named Marilou York. The two tied the knot in 1978 and had three children: Nathan, Griffin and Elizabeth. Now, Mark Hamill and Marilou York have been together for more than 38 years. Oh and how amazing was it to see Mark Hamill reprise the role of Luke for Star Wars: The Force Awakens? Meanwhile, Marilou prefers to stay out of the limelight.

Marilou York
Brigitte Nielsen
Brigitte Nelson went from being the cold-hearted Russian missus of Ivan Drago in Rocky IV, to becoming the warm-hearted love and real wife of the movie’s star. When she and Sylvester Stallone married one another, neither knew that two years later they would be calling it quits. Brigitte Nelsen has been married a total of five times!

Brigitte Nielsen