Dunkin Donuts
Believe it or not, William “Bill” Rosenberg opened the first Dunkin Donuts with nothing more than an 8th-grade education in 1950. In fact, it was initially named Open Kettle. He sold sweet cakes, donuts by the dozen for 69 cents, and coffee for a dime. Only 5 years later, he had had 5 locations open. Today, there are over 8,000 Dunkin Donuts in 30 countries. In 1990, the chain was bought by Baskin-Robbins’ holding company named Allied Domecq.

Dunkin Donuts
Sonic Drive-In
Troy Smith began his career selling goods to people with a root beer stand. Soon enough, he became more and more successful, so he started expanding his menu and eventually adding the ‘drive-in intercom system’. After succeeding in this, he and Charles Pappe decided to open another location under the name SONIC. The reason for this name was their motto, “service at the speed of sound”. Nowadays, Sonic still is a popular fast-food empire.

Sonic Drive-In