Crossing Into The Valley Of Death
The Allied soldiers had no idea what was in store for them on beaches such as Omaha, Utah, Gold, Sword, and Juno Beach when they arrived. The Germans were prepared for a bloody battle and had constructed some of the most formidable defenses ever seen on a battlefield. More than 850,000 German troops, including conscripts from Eastern Europe and even Korean soldiers, were ready for the invasion when it took place. Yes, you read that correctly.

Crossing Into The Valley Of Death
Countless Lives
Dwight Dwight Dwight Dwight Eisenhower, Bernard Law Montgomery, and Trafford Leigh-Mallory were the three allied generals tasked with leading the charge and storming the beaches. You may wonder where the legendary tank commander-general George S. Patton has gone missing. Rather than a real landing on the other side of France, Patton was tasked with staging a bogus landing on the other side of France to confuse the Germans. Complete with detonating tanks and fictitious soldiers. I’m curious as to how he felt about making that decision.

Countless Lives