Into The Unknown
A vast fleet of 5,333 allied ships and landing craft was making its way from England to Germany at the same time, each carrying thousands of soldiers. Many of whom would never make it back to their home countries. In order to get there, they would have to first endure the deafening and endless artillery barrages launched by allied ships, and then enter the landing craft and make their way into the bowels of the devil himself when it was time for them to depart.

Into The Unknown
Starring Into Darkness
Knowing you’re about to enter battle is a sensation unlike any other in the world. A thousand beats per second are pounding in your chest as you take one last look at a photograph from home, then you close your eyes and imagine the last good day of your life before allowing your soul to fade into the darkness of war. One can only imagine what was going through the minds of the allied forces as they prepared to land on the beaches of Normandy in 1944.

Starring Into Darkness