Fertility Treatment’s Blessing: Woman Gives Birth To Septuplets – Now They’re 21

Published on 04/24/2019

The Big Sister

It turns out that it wasn’t only the adults who wanted to help out. Mikayla was now the eldest of 8 children and she wanted to take on some responsibilities of her own. Whenever she could, she would help feed the babies, play with them and help her mom and dad out in any way she could.

The Big Sister

The Big Sister


Plan ‘B’

Their plan was first to start buying in bulk rather than on a need-to-need basis. Additionally, they set out to search for the best discounts and deals at supermarkets in their area, like the time Bobbi bought 60lb of hamburgers just because they were at a discounted price. On average, the family was spending about $300 for groceries each month – a good reduction from how they had started.

Plan B

Plan ‘B’