Keep Your Eye Out For The NFL’s Funniest Signs

Published on 04/21/2019

Two-For-One Quarterback Shot

This Eagles fan embodies his football team’s spirit perfectly. Supporting your team isn’t enough, you also have to disrespect the other team and everything they stand for. The Eagles happened to be playing the Chicago Bears that day, Jay Cutler the quarterback of the said team. Poor, Cutler, we’re sure he didn’t appreciate being called a woman.

Two-for-one Quarterback Shot

Two-For-One Quarterback Shot


A Difficult Breakup

As if breaking up with someone wasn’t hard enough, imagine breaking up with an entire football team? That’s 53 hearts broken…talk about an ugly split! But instead of one sad person, the entire stadium was in tears when the San Diego Chargers left to become the LA Chargers. Can you believe the city of San Diego pledged to change so that their team would stay? Now that’s dedication!

A Difficult Breakup

A Difficult Breakup