Justin Jedlica
You might not believe this, but you have no choice, it is a hundred percent true! Justin Jedlica was left with no choice but to focus on his and his husband’s business in Chicago and stop modeling after doing extreme measures just to achieve the look of the famous male doll, Ken. He went under the knives of surgical doctors for 190 times!

Justin Jedlica
Real-Life Ken
During the peak of his adolescence, he was not pleased with what he constantly saw in the mirror. Days after his 18th birthday, he was decided to have a little plastic surgery. But this “little” turned into a series of surgeries, and that was how he managed to undergo 190 surgeries just to satisfy himself of what he wanted his body to look like. Calf implants, chest implants, and nose jobs are some of the plastic surgeries he got.

Real-Life Ken