Now and then, people like to change up their hair. Various trends pop up every so often, and it is hard to resist the temptation of copying our favorite celebrities. Even though they look sophisticated and fabulous all the time, there is no guarantee that it will look just as good on you. When you pick a haircut, you have to take a good long look at yourself in the mirror first. You have to take your physique and face shape into consideration, among other things. When it comes to haircuts, no one size fits all!
Do people still get perms in this day and age? It was a popular hairstyle several decades ago, but the times have changed. All in all, it is not common to get one now. Who even comes up with the idea to get a perm? We have no idea. What we can tell you is that it is no longer in vogue. On top of that, it can damage your hair like nothing else. Besides, do you really want to look like there is a poodle on top of your head?

“The Rachel”
Are you a fan of FRIENDS as well? If this is the case, we are sure that you know this hairstyle very well. It was one of the most popular hairstyles back in the ‘90s. Despite its popularity, it does not look good on everyone. To this day, women keep trying to emulate Rachel from the TV show to no avail. Do not even try it. In our opinion, it did not look good then, and it does not look good now.

“The Rachel”