Rainbow Hues
From time to time, people like to mix up the color of their hair. If you really want to make a statement, it is easy to do such a thing by dying your hair! It is already eye-catching to pick an unusual color. But what if you go for more than one? To be honest, we do not like it very much. It depends on what shades you pick. At the very least, we hope that you have enough sense to pick something that suits your skin tone.

Rainbow Hues
Glittery Hair
We are floored to know that this was once a trend. This is the sort of look that will only be perfect if you are an art student. If not that, maybe you are going to a kiddie party. Anyway, no one should wear this regularly. We think you are in dire need of intervention if you consider making this a permanent thing. When you want some glitter, you can always just buy sparkly accessories.

Glittery Hair