Curly Hair + Straight Bangs
People started to wear their hair like this in the ‘80s, but it only really became big in the ‘90s. It has been a very long time since then. No one should be caught dead with this hairstyle. We are now in the 2020s, so it is time to keep up with the times. If you look like you are wearing two different hairstyles, ditch it.

Curly Hair + Straight Bangs
Big, Poofy Hairdos
In the ‘70s and ‘80s, everyone loved big hair. It used to be very popular! Women liked to tease or back-comb their hair to ensure that they would have poofy locks. Sadly, we have since learned that this damages your hair. It is not worth it since it will also make you look out of style. Dolly Parton is the only one who can pull it off! For us, it is a huge relief that soft and silky hair is now fashionable.

Big, Poofy Hairdos