Shirt Loops
Once in your life, you must have wondered what this extra piece of fabric is doing in your shirt’s center. These loops appeared in menswear in the 1960s to keep men’s shirts free of wrinkles. These loops may have come from the sailors in the Navy according to stories. They had no locker for hanging their shirts, so their uniforms had loops so that they could mainly put them with a hook on the wall. Others may find it useless because of innovations, but when you buy a new shirt, you ‘d have a part of the history that many of us once had.
Gas Gauge Arrow
If you’ve ever entered a fuel station and were silent and wondering on which side of the tank you were going to use, you probably aren’t alone. Yes, there’s a way to know where it stands and it’s the arrow next to the gas gage. This arrow showed which side of the car the gas tank was on. If the arrow is pointing to the left, the gas tank is on the right.