Here Are Some Of Your Favorite Celebrities That Are Only Nice On Camera But Are Rude In Real Life

Published on 06/07/2020

Ellen DeGeneres

If you watch the show, The Ellen Show, you know that Ellen DeGeneres is a kind person and a philanthropist. She would give away things at her show and would always smile or laugh with the guest stars and the audience. However, that seems to be the opposite of what she is off the air. The Podcast producer Kevin T. Porter revealed a few stories to prove that Ellen is not all that. Her famous tagline, “Be kind to one another,” is just for show, and she does not probably live up to that. Kevin T. Porter posted on Twitter to send stories to prove his point that Ellen, “one of the meanest people alive.” His tweet was flooded with responses from people who worked with the comedian host, restaurant servers, and other service industry workers. One tale that was out of the ordinary was when a server told how she served brunch to Ellen. After that, she wrote a letter to the owner of the restaurant to complain. Her complaint was uncalled for, as she was complaining that the staff who served her has a chipped off nail polish. We can only infer that she was probably claiming that the chipped off may have landed on her food and threatening their sanitation practices. The server almost lost her job because of that!

Ellen DeGeneres

Ellen DeGeneres


Gwyneth Paltrow

Gwyneth Paltrow is another demanding diva on our list of growing demanding divas. She is the founder of online wellness and lifestyle company Goop. It’s no surprise that Paltrow has an extravagant lifestyle, being an Academy Award winner, doing high grossing movies, and having her own business can do that. Paltrow may have taken her “lifestyle” to the extremes. She allegedly visited a Michelin-starred restaurant in London and loudly exclaimed, “I can’t eat this [stuff]. Let’s just go up to my suite and order room service.” The Irish Times reported this story. Another one was how concerned she was with the germs. She wants her shower at her gym cleaned and dried before she enters. Life & Style said that she demanded this because she can’t touch “somebody else’s shower water.” That is taking it out of proportions.

Gwyneth Paltrow

Gwyneth Paltrow