Simple Things To Do Everyday To Save Your Car’s Life

Published on 07/28/2021

Use Scented Wax Cubes As Air Fresheners

Aside from dryer sheets, there’s another DIY air freshener tip for your nose’s enjoyment. Simply lay a few scented wax cubes in a mason jar with holes punched in the lead. When you put the jar in your car, the wax will melt and fill the car with a lovely perfume.

Use Scented Wax Cubes As Air Fresheners

Use Scented Wax Cubes As Air Fresheners


Check Your Tire’s State With A Penny

The following tip could save your life. Place a coin upside down in the treads of your tires. If President Lincoln’s head slides halfway in, you’re good. If the tread doesn’t cover the president’s head, you’ll need new tires.

Check Your Tire’s State With A Penny

Check Your Tire’s State With A Penny