Simple Things To Do Everyday To Save Your Car’s Life

Published on 07/28/2021

DIY Phone Stand

We have used elastic bands in many ways in our lives, they are certainly a useful tool. They save the day far too often, from tying up hair, to holding papers together to sealing food packets! So if you were looking for a cheap solution to costly phone holders in cars, take a look below. Why purchase expensive mechanisms like those when you can simply thread an elastic band through your AC vent! They are surprisingly good at securing your mobile.

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DIY Phone Stands


For Cereals And Garbage

It is no secret that cars aren’t exactly spoilt for space. It isn’t their primary function, to hold so many items. This also sometimes causes garbage to remain all over the place. Why turn your vehicle into a person trash can when you can simply use a cereal container to store garbage? Just place a plastic bag into a container and voila, an accessible trash can! Just remember to change it regularly.

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For Cereals And Garbage