Moisture vs. Rice
We all know the old trick of putting a wet phone/electronic device into rice to save it. The moisture is often taken up and more often than not the device is repaired. The idea applies to water on your car too! Having your windshield obstructed by moisture when driving is annoying to say the least. All you need to d is fill a cloth bag with rice, and place it on your dashboard. The bag will absorb excess moisture and render your windshield clean. You must microwave the bag quite regularly though, in order to dry it.
Cool Car On A Hot Summer
Nobody likes sitting in traffic, but doing it on a hot day when the AC unit isn’t working is ten times worse. So naturally you open all the windows to try and let air in, but this proves ineffective. The best method is to only roll down the front two windows! This forces the air to circulate, releasing hot air and letting cool air enter. It really works!