Vladimir Lenin
Russian revolutionary Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, best known by his stage name Vladimir Lenin, was also a politician and political theorist. From 1917 until 1924, he presided as the first and founding leader of Soviet Russia, and from 1922 to 1924, he led the Soviet Union. Under his leadership, the Communist Party established a one-party socialist state in Russia and later the Soviet Union. His developments to the Marxist philosophy are known as Leninism. Here is one of his final ever photographs, taken following several strokes.

Rhoda Derry
Rhoda Derry was a young woman who became a mental patient and remained in that state for the majority of her life, but it is the narrative behind her condition that has captured the public’s imagination. Rhonda was involved with a young man named Charles, and Charles’s mother did not approve of her relationship with Charles. A spell was cast on Rhoda by the mother, who threatened to cast a spell on her if she didn’t abandon her kid. Rhoda was apprehensive of witches. Rhoda began exhibiting symptoms of mental illness at the age of 18 and was diagnosed with “madness” shortly after. Despite being described as “blind and insane” she was admitted to the Adams County Almshouse when she was 25 years old, and she spent the rest of her adult life in institutions, living to be one day shy of 72.