Shirley Temple
The young actress, who appears to be nine or ten years old in this image, plays a cowgirl as part of a Western program. Montie Montana, a well-known rodeo trick rider and stuntman, is her cowboy companion. In this infrequent image taken in Palm Springs, California, about 1938, the two get ready to take the stage at the Desert Inn.

King George VI and Queen Elizabeth
The parents of the current British monarch, King George VI and Queen Elizabeth, are seen strolling across Windsor Castle grounds in this 1939 image. They aren’t simply taking a leisurely stroll, though; they are inspecting a group of British Scouts ahead of a St. George’s Day celebration. The Scouting movement’s patron saint is St. George, whose feast day is April 23. To commemorate, the royal family welcomed the Scouts to Windsor’s Chapel of St. George in 1939.